I normally don't paint on canvas but I couldn't help myself when I found these mini canvases while shopping (so cute! obsessed with miniatures). I love painting little studies of organs, insects, gems, etc and plan on painting more. Each piece is $50 and are available on etsy here.
I'm currently in that art mode where you have so many ideas you don't know where to begin. Maybe this is a good problem to have, but it still feels daunting not knowing where to start. I have plenty of sketches and pieces sort of mapped out in my mind, but I've been very hesitant to start putting these ideas on canvas... I feel like I need some sort of push to get me going.
I've also been extremely stressed with trying to get smaller works ready for the holiday season as well as preparing for a few commissions. I'm hoping to knock some of this out over the weekend because it's building up fast and my nerves can't handle it.