Posts tagged victorian frame
Lately +

As some of you know, I'm originally from Oklahoma and currently living in Texas. I really really like Texas. I also really love Oklahoma (specifically OKC). I'm constantly torn on the issue of where I want to live, but right now Texas feels good. I'll be living in Austin for a bit in the Fall, which I'm very much looking forward to. Maybe OKC in the future, but I honestly can't decide, so I'm deciding to not think about it. Sometimes I drift more towards the idea of owning very few items and just moving from city to city every few months. Essentially, this is what I'll be doing next Fall for about 9 months, 3 cities. I guess I'll find out then whether I like moving around or not ;)

^^ Onto studio things, I have new prints in the shop this week! New prints of Ghost Cat and White Moth come in 5x5 or 8x8 inches. They're cute little creatures. 


^^ My studio lately. Every spring my palette gets a little bit more colorful. It's kind of nice. 


^^ These little guys just got shipped off to Seattle for a show at Twilight Gallery. I don't think I've mentioned here my obsession with the PNW. Or maybe I have? Either way, it's on the top of my list of places to visit (along with Marfa & NOLA…so random I know). A little road trip along the Washington and Oregon coast would be a dream. I also wouldn't mind crossing the border to visit Vancouver and Victoria. 

Speaking of Victoria I picked up this pretty white Victoria(n) frame in Houston (remember the black version here). This one is also in the shop

I'm still working on Luna and she's almost done! I've been fussing with her hair and driving myself crazy for a day or two (all good now). After that I'll have more large pieces of celestial ladies in the works as well as some smaller black butterflies and moths. And I need to make more necklaces too. 

Have a great weekend! <3

Lately +

Spring is here and I've been a busy bee. Working on a ton of new little (and big) paintings. Think moths, dark butterflies, galaxies, scarabs, bones, and celestial mermaids. I'm pretty excited. 

^^ Priming things. Sorry for the terrible phone quality. Yuck. 

^^ She has her own window, but she prefers mine for some reason. I think it's because she likes looking at herself in the mirror. She knows she's gorgeous. 

^^ This little guy is dry so I could finally scan him. Prints soon!

^^ Found this black Victorian frame in Houston. Love love love. I need to pick up more.

^^ Found this sweet note in my shop reviews. So lovely. <3

^^ These Elie Saab dresses may or may not have influenced my celestial mermaid paintings I'm currently working on (they did).

Stay tuned for in progress pieces. Oh, I'm also going on a mini trip to OKC in April for family and the arts festival. I love spring. <3