
So I turned 26 the other day.  It's weird being closer to 30 than to 20, but oddly enough I think I'm okay with that.  

I wanted to make a little list of 27 things to do before I turn 27…I've made lists like this in the past and it's fun to just look back and see what was important to you a certain time in your life.  For instance when I did a 25 before 25 I wrote things like: play on a beach at midnight, go to Europe, do a daily art journal, get a tattoo, read more classics, etc.  Never got the tattoo, but the rest I did (although I could read more).  

I don't really plan to have them all checked off, but it will be nice to keep up with them as a goal reminder.  




1. Campout on a beach and watch the sunrise.

2. Stargaze. (So simple yet how often do we really do this? Not enough). 

3. Apply to more juried shows and get into at least two.

4. Experiment more with oil on wood. 

5. Spend an entire weekend without social media.

6.  Watch at least 5 documentaries. 

7.  Be able to identify at least a few trees & plants (knowing the correct names).

8.  Visit at least one new state.

9.  Learn more about other planets. 

10.  Send more handwritten letters and less Facebook messages.  REAL birthday cards.

11.  Go to at least two museums.

12.  Read all of the LOTR books.

13.  Explore more of Houston. 

14.  Explore more of the west end of Galveston.

15.  Sketch/paint outside.

16.  Eat less bread & less sugar. 

17.  Skinnydip.

18.  Paint more portraits.

19.  Actually read the books on my bookshelf. 

20.  Learn more about screen printing.

21.  Learn more about cultures/species and their rituals.

22.  More candid photos.

23.  More home videos.

24.  Expand my shop.

25.  Play in the rain.

26.  Do things for others without expecting anything in return.

27.  Support local shops/restaurants. 


Watercolors +

Some recent watercolors from the past week! Enjoy :) 


A quick watercolor of some lovely deer I painted last week. <3 I'm planning on making this into a card.  


Happiness is a Sprinkle Doughnut, Part II (first one here) . I love doughnuts so so much. Crazy obsession, in fact. So naturally, I have to paint them! I recently added this one to the shop


This is a custom piece I worked on for a client who plans on getting it made into a tattoo. I really loved working on this piece and I love when client's put faith in you to just do your thing! It's amazing.  

Happy weekend! :)



Hi there, sorry I've been a little MIA lately.  Lots of running around, reading, sketching, and painting!  Starting to get back in the groove of working on more oil paintings which is very calming.  I love the feeling of a clean palette with fresh paint straight from the tube.  Oil paint smells amazing to me for some reason.  It's up there with the smell of fresh cookies, salty beaches, and coconut shampoo.  Cheers to new paintings and new beginnings!