Friday I'm in Love
Hi lovelies, I hope everyone had a good week. It seemed to go by super fast and I still have a million ideas swimming in my head that I need to do. I woke up this morning to freezing weather on this little island, crazy. Living on the gulf has made me a wimp when it comes to cold weather. That might change soon, but who knows.
^^In progress skull painting for my Rituals & Omens series. I can't decide if I want him purely black and white or possibly a mix of muted tones. Decisions….
^^Getting cold and stormy over here. I love foggy windows though.
^^Oh, and I'm working on a new project that I'm pretty excited about. Learning a new medium is hard I gotta say, but incredibly rewarding. Hint: it involves astronomy. Does that give anything away? I don't know. But stay tuned for more updates!