New Floral Anatomy

This piece kind of came as an accident and was originally planned to take a completely different route. That's one the best and scariest things about painting though, and luckily this came out much more beautiful than I imagined. The veins were painted green last minute and I had planned on more flowers, but when something just feels done, I try to listen.

The past few floral anatomy pieces have been primarily grey and pink, and honestly I don't think I necessarily planned it that way, but lately I've been loving using more pinks for organ related work. Something softer about it maybe? Not sure, but I may paint a few more pieces this way before switching things up. I'm hoping to get a square format grey anatomy piece done and then post another floral bundle like this one, but with the grey backgrounds. 

The original painting can be seen currently at Integris Cancer Institute till September 8th, and prints can be found in my etsy shop as well as some retailers. I'm hoping to paint more anatomical hearts as they're so beautifully versatile. The next heart I'm attempting will be a nebula! I'm excited to see how it evolves. <3