Posts tagged paintbrushes
Studio Lately

This is what my studio has been looking like lately.  It's been raining on and off for a week, the weather is finally dropping in the 60s/70s, and I've been burning candles while listening to music that brings me back to high school days (The Format). 

During this time of year the lighting in my studio is so soft and lovely, I rarely turn on any lights in my home.  I also don't have the AC or heater on, so everything just feels simple, but good. 

I'm currently working on a moon on circular wood (I just had to) and I'm prepping for a similar one of the Milky Way.  These will be accompanying pieces for my Ritual & Omens series.  There's so many ideas floating around in my head that I'm finding it easy to lose myself and not know where to start.  But I have been writing and sketching and have a few new paintings that I'll be posting about soon.  I'm really excited about this series. :)